Thursday, January 12, 2012

Veggie Pasta Stew and French Bread

Tonight I made Veggie Pasta Stew using this recipe and a Rapid Rise French bread using this recipe.
It was a hearty meal for a cold day!  By the way, I sauteed my soup veggies in water and not oil and it turned out great!


Laloofah said...

Oooh, that veggie pasta stew looks divine! And three cheers for sautéing your veggies in water instead of oil! We rid oil (and margarine) from our diets in 2007, and it's not only made a difference in our health, it keeps our kitchen a lot cleaner! :-)

I'm off to check out that stew recipe. Happy Friday the 13th, Tami, and enjoy your holiday weekend!

Dear Diary.... said...

You're making my mouth water with all of these yummy recipes.