My Bio

I was born in Gillette, WY and raised in Wyoming almost my entire life.  I lived in Vermillion, South Dakota for a few years when I was younger and moved back to good old Wyoming.  I then spent about two years in Spearfish, South Dakota where I attended Black Hills State University.

Through middle school and high school, I lived 5 miles out of a small town of 3,000 people.  We raised chickens for eggs and got almost all of our meat from my grandparents in South Dakota who owned a buffalo farm.  I spent many summers back at the farm in South Dakota helping with chores and learning what "work" really was.  While at the farm, I watched my grandma butcher chickens, boil them, and pluck their feathers.  On several occasions, I went to the slaughterhouse with my grandpa where he took cattle and buffalo to be "processed."  I even watched as my grandma would clean and boil buffalo skulls to sell to people.

I was no stranger to what went on at a farm or the standard meat and potato diet.  At home, I raised sheep and pigs for 4-H and would sell them at the fair every year.  And every year it would make me cry when I realized I was sending them off to slaughter while reaping the financial benefits. 

When I was about 11 or 12, I finally pieced together all my feelings and experiences of my life with regard to animals, and decided I wanted to do what I could to help ease their suffering.  So, I decided one day that I would no longer eat meat, which was a novel idea in my family.  However, neither of my parents ever "forced" me to go back to eating meat.  I ate everything except for the meat, and there were never any "special" meals made for me.  I was completely happy with this because, at the time, I had no idea there were so many fabulous animal-free meals to be made!

I had my first daughter when I was 18 and married my high school sweetheart when I was 20.  When I was 21 I had my second daughter.  Through all of this time, I remained vegetarian.  I'm not going to lie, when I was pregnant with my first daughter I craved artificial (and by artificial, I mean cheap white fish) crab meat in butter; and with my second daughter I craved hot dogs.  During both pregnancies I decided to make those meals, and both times I was not able to eat any of it.  I don't think either of my daughters had any meat until they were at least two years old.

In 2005, I graduated with my Associates Degree in Nursing.  I worked as an RN from 2005-May 2011.  In May of this year, I decided that working in the surgery department was not what I wanted for myself.  I have a passion to teach others about Vegan nutrition and its many benefits.  Every day I worked, I attended to patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, digestive problems, asthma, cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease (just to name a few).  I knew these problems were not being fixed with drugs and surgery.  I just want to help people live longer, healthier, happier lives.

I never knew there was such a thing as Veganism until I was probably in my mid-20's.  I was a vegetarian for about 12 years or so and then went back and forth with eating meat until February 2010 when I decided Veganism was the lifestyle I was meant to live!  I have not once looked back and do not miss meat, cheese, ice cream, or anything else.

What piqued my (and my family's) interest in the vegetarian diet/Vegan lifestyle were two documentaries we happened to come across on Netflix: The Beautiful Truth and Food Inc.  After the first movie, my husband said, "We should try that (a Vegan diet)," and I agreed.  The next day I emptied my fridge and cupboards of everything that was not Vegan.  That was almost two years ago and I am still Vegan.  My husband goes back and forth, my oldest daughter is vegetarian, and my youngest daughter is recently Vegan. 

I currently live in a town of about 30,000 people in Wyoming where a Vegan lifestyle/vegetarian diet are very unpopular.  The feeling of isolation for the way I live and what I believe was starting to wear on me.  I decided I wanted to move somewhere my lifestyle would be more acceptable.  After some time and deep reflection, I have decided that moving (or getting away, rather) is not necessarily the answer.  That is when I decided it was time to start working on this blog as a way to connect with other Vegans, but more importantly, to help explain more about myself to those I already know.  It will take some time to build this blog the way I want, but it will be a journey.  It is my passion to teach others and connect with other Vegans, vegetarians, and veg curious.  Ultimately, I want to influence all those who read my blog to live a happy, healthy, positive lifestyle.

On September 11, 2012 I started a new chapter in this adventure I call life.  I started my new job in the hospital Wellness Department as a Wellness Specialist.  I am loving this job!  Just the other day, I had an experience with a client that confirmed that I am heading down the right path.  Helping others on their journey to good health and overall wellness is exactly what I've been looking to do!


Kaylie said...

Hi, my name is Kaylie and I am friends with your oldest daughter. You came into my class one day and made us all veg juice. Thanks so much for that! I just wanted to say that your daughter inspired me, and I have chosen to be a vegetarian. I have been one for almost two weeks(haha ot very long) but its hard, because my mom and step-dad are trying to get me eat meat, and so are a few of my friends. I'm waiting until they will finally understand that this is how I want to live my life and that they are not going to change my mind.

Tami said...

Kaylie, thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a comment. I am so happy to hear about your journey as a vegetarian. I know it has its challenges, but just keep standing up for your beliefs. Being a vegetarian is a healthy, compassionate choice and you should be proud of yourself for making such a great decision. Please contact me when you have questions, frustrations, or need some motivation to keep up with your new vegetarian lifestyle. said...

First off I just want to say thank you for this blog. I also live in Wyoming and find it extremely hard to live the vegan lifestyle I was meant to with so little support. Please keep doing what you're doing.

Unknown said...

I'm sure glad to know that there is another vegan in Wyoming. I was being to think that I was the only one!

Rachel said...

Hey I am another vegan in Gillette. I would like to start a vegan group in our city. Would you or anyone that you know in Gillette be interested? Thanks.

Unknown said...

Hi! I too am vegan and an RN. Just moved to Casper from Washington State. Is there another vegan in Casper? I've been 100% raw vegan for the last 3 weeks, vegan for the last couple years and vegetarian from 7th grade except during pregnancies. I would LOVE to help people prevent illness instead of taking care of them sick because they didn't know any better. A huge frustration for me right now. Anyway, I would love to meet up with other vegans if you're out there!!!

Rachel said...

Hey Megan! Check out the Facebook page Vegan Support Wyoming. We have members that are from Casper :) and we would love to have you be apart of the page!