Saturday, January 28, 2012

January Exercise Challenge: Day 18

Don't worry, I didn't skip a day of exercise, even though I really felt like it!  This stinking cold just hasn't gone away yet.  Yesterday I lost my voice and has me pretty congested. 

However, Brad and I did make it to the rec center last night.  I was able to do 30 minutes of cardio, running on the track and walking on a steep incline on the treadmill.

1 comment:

Laloofah said...

Ugh, sounds like you've got the bug I had a few weeks ago ~ came down very suddenly with a very sore throat, incredible congestion, lost my voice for a few days, then got a bad cough, and the nasty thing just refused to go away! Good for you for sticking with your exercise program, but I hope you're giving your body some good rest, too. Elderberry syrup (or Sambucol) can really help, too! I was too sick to make a batch for myself in time to benefit from it, but was able to make some for BW later as he was started to come down with it and it nipped it in the bud. Get well soon!