Monday, December 5, 2011


Respecting the earth and our environment are very important, and recycling is one very simple way we can do that.  Granted, some cities, especially in rural areas, don't have as many ways to recycle.  But, come on people!  We have to get busy and do what we can!  Don't you want a place where your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren can live a clean, healthy, non-toxic life?  Why pollute our soil and water with things that can easily be recycled? 

Where I live we have an amazing curbside recycling program.  We can co-mingle our paper, plastics 1 and 2, steel, tin, and aluminum in one bag and toss it on the curb during garbage day.  We can also toss corrugated cardboard on the curb with the bagged recyclables.  It is so simple!  And, did I mention that it is FREE?  Anyone who has this sort of recycling service has no excuse not to do it!  Here is a link to the recycling program in my town.  If you live here and aren't already signed up for this amazing program, please use this link to get signed up for FREE today!

Where ever you live, please check into the recycling programs offered in your area.  Some places at the very least offer recycling trailers, or drop-off sites throughout the community. 

Also, when disposing of any electronics, batteries, light bulbs, oil, vehicles, vehicle parts, construction waste, plastic bags, glass or printer toner cartridges, please research where you can recycle these items in your community.

For household items, see if you can "freecycle", donate, or sell them in your community.

You can even compost your food and yard waste at home or in some communities.

Get your children involved and make it fun for the whole family!  Then, start spreading the word about how easy and important it is to recycle!

Please, please, please if you live somewhere that offers a recycling program please take advantage of it!  Your great-great-great-grandchildren's environment depends on it!

I know this is not what you want your children's earth to look like...

Please feel free to contact me for more information on recycling.  I am doing some research on where to recycle specific things and will update this post with websites and information when I find the answers.  Just remember that any and all effort will help make this a cleaner, greener place to live!

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