Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Black Bean and Corn Sweet Potato

Black Bean and Corn Sweet Potatoes
serves 4
4 Small sweet potatoes, baked
15 oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
15 oz corn, drained and rinsed
1 Bunch green onions, sliced
2 Cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp agave nectar
3 Tablespoons lime juice (or to taste)
2 tsp chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, minced (or to taste)
Mix black beans, corn, green onions and garlic in a bowl.  Then, add agave nectar, lime juice, and peppers and stir until combined.
Top sweet potatoes with black bean and corn mixture.
This is a very quick and easy meal for a busy week night, and it is quite filling.  You can bake your potatoes in the oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes, or just microwave them if you are short on time.  The taste of this meal can be adjusted depending on the amount of peppers, agave, and lime juice used. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Time To Get Blogging!

Well, after taking nearly a year off, it is time I get back to blogging!  It's not that I quit creating and cooking delicious, healthy, Vegan meals.  Unfortunately, I let my job rule my life.  Today is the first day I have had off in quite awhile, okay other than my super fun vacations, but still it has been a long haul.  I am working full-time hours as a part-time Wellness Specialist/Health Educator for our local hospital's Wellness Department.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job, I have just been putting in way too many hours to focus on much else. 

So, stay tuned for more recipes and info!  I am going to try getting back on track with this blogging thing!  Luckily, I see that I am not the only one perusing my blog for recipes!  If you are stopping by my blog to check things out, please leave me a comment, question, or some motivation to keep this thing going!  Let me know what sort of things you would like to see on this blog, I could always use ideas.  I love hearing from my readers! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Fruit Salsa

Fruit Salsa
makes enough for a party!
4 Apples, peeled, cored, and diced
4 Kiwis, peeled and diced
2-16oz containers of strawberries, diced
12oz Frozen raspberries, thawed
1/4 Cup lemon juice
2 Tbs brown sugar
5 Tbs fruit preserves, jam, or jelly
Orange juice
Place apples, kiwis, strawberries,and raspberries in a large bowl.  In a small bowl, combine lemon juice, brown sugar, and fruit preserves.  Then, add orange juice by the tablespoon to small bowl to thin out sauce to desired consistency. Pour sauce over fruit, and stir to coat.  Serve with cinnamon pita chips.
Notes: More or less lemon and orange juice can be used.  Any fruits in season would work in this recipe.  A sprinkle of cinnamon or fresh minced mint can change the taste, as well.  This can be served without chips as a salad, too.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Oatmeal Pancakes

I wanted to try something a little different for breakfast and I stumbled across this super easy recipe for Vegan Oatmeal Pancakes, so I decided to try it.  I tripled the recipe and it made about 8 medium size pancakes.  When I first mixed it up it was really soupy, so I added about another 1/3 cup of oats.  It will thicken as it stands and absorbs the liquid.  I also used unsweetened almond milk to make mine.  These could be gluten free if you used certified gluten free oats.  For a topping, I used a thin layer of peanut butter, sliced bananas and a little drizzle of pure maple syrup.  They are very tasty and quite filling.
Here is my version of the recipe

1 cup thick rolled oats, ground into flour using a food processor or blender
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 Tbs turbinado
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/3 cup Vegan chocolate chips
dash of salt

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, let stand for 3-5 minutes or until some of  the liquid is absorbed.  Pour about 1/4-1/3 cup of batter on pre-heated griddle or non-stick pan and spread out.  Bake for a couple minutes on each side until golden brown.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Quinoa Salsa

Quinoa Salsa
serves 6-8 

1 Cup quinoa, uncooked
1 3/4 Cup water
2-3 Cups black beans, cooked
2 Avocados, diced
1 Pint cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered
1/2 Red onion, diced
4 Cloves garlic, minced
1 Red bell pepper, diced
1 Bunch cilantro, finely chopped
Lime juice to taste
1/2-1 tsp cumin, or to taste
1/2-1 Tbs olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Toast dry quinoa in pot on medium-high heat for 3-5 minutes.  Then add water, bring to a boil, cover and simmer 20 minutes, or until water is absorbed.  Meanwhile, combine all other ingredients in a large bowl.  When quinoa is cooked, add to bowl, stir and serve!  This can be eaten as a salad or as a salsa with corn chips.


Monday, January 7, 2013


I finally took the time to watch Vegucated on Saturday with my husband, oldest daughter, and my mom.  It is yet another documentary discussing the benefits of a Vegan lifestyle.  It follows three people for six weeks while they explore a Vegan lifestyle.  Watching it just reaffirms all the reasons I have chosen this lifestyle...for my health, the environment, and animal welfare.

After watching this show, my oldest daughter wrote a post on her blog stating that she was going to eliminate dairy from her diet.  To read about her decision, and the reasons for it, made me tear up because I saw, once again, what a compassionate child she is. 

My husband has even decided that it is time for him to eliminate dairy as well.  

I am not exactly sure how my mom felt about this movie, but I do know that she is making great strides to improve her health with a more plant based diet.  Thanks, mom, for letting me accompany you on your journey to improved health!  I love you and want you to stick around for awhile!

I hope you will take some time and watch this documentary, too. (You can find it on Netflix and Amazon).  It's time to get Vegucated!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013!

Welcome to the new year!  2012 was a great year for me and my family.  We were happy, healthy, and made many memories. 

Just curious...do any of you make new year's resolutions?  I don't really make resolutions, per se.  I like to recount the previous year, learning from my mistakes and opportunities, which helps me focus on the year ahead. 

This year, I would like to focus on time management.  My new job has made exercise, household chores, and running the girls around much more challenging.  Keeping up with household chores is manageable when I utilize a cleaning/laundry schedule, and also when I delegate chores.  Getting the girls to activities, practices, school, and appointments has been made possible thanks to my dear husband stepping in and helping out A LOT.  So, that leaves exercise, which I desperately need to make a priority again.  I will achieve this by utilizing an exercise schedule which includes 2 days of cycling, at least 3 days of running, and 3-4 days of strength training and ab work.

So, what are your goals?  How will you achieve them?  Follow my blog and let's help each other make 2013 a healthy, productive year!