Monday, March 5, 2012

Brad's Monster Tofurky Sandwich

One weekend while I was out picking up my Bountiful Basket, Brad was at home making himself lunch and this is what he came up with.  He was so proud of it that he sent me a picture so I could blog it.  I'm glad he sent me this because I definitely need to start blogging again.  I am finally back from my blogging break!

Anyways, it looked really good!  I'm not sure anyone could actually take a bite out of this without looking like a fool or having it fall apart, but I'm sure it tastes great either way!

Brad's Monster Tofurky Sandwich

2 thick slices homemade bread
1 stack Tofurky (not sure how many slices he used)
1 tomato, sliced
1 avocado, sliced
sliced onions
Hot mustard

Spread Vegenaise and mustard on slices of bread and pile the remaining ingredients in between.  Open wide!

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