Monday, September 24, 2012

New Job!

About two weeks ago, I opened a new chapter in this adventure I call life.  I started my new job in the hospital Wellness Department as a Wellness Specialist.  Right now I conduct occupational wellness testing (BP, body composition, spirometry tests, EKG, bone density, draw blood, and individual consults).  My long term goal is to work as a health educator within the Wellness Department.  I think with my background as a nurse and a Vegan, I will be able to contribute a unique perspective. 

I am loving my job right now and I look forward to the road ahead!  I can see that there may be some bumps and hurdles ahead, however, I welcome these challenges with an open mind and willing attitude.

Last week, I had an experience with one client that confirmed that this is the right path for me.  Being able to guide someone on a journey of health and wellness is what I have always wanted to do. 

I will do my best to keep blogging my recipes, experiences, and information.

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