Thursday, August 16, 2012

Watermelon Cake

I made both of these watermelon cakes for birthdays over the summer.  They are a great alternative to the traditional birthday cake, especially for summer birthdays.  It just takes some patience and creativity to put one together.  They are fun to make and kids will love to help!

All you need is:
Any variety of fruit you would like to use
Cake picks and dowels
Cookie cutters

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bean and Potato Burritos

Bean and Potato Burritos
serves 8

2 16oz cans no fat chile-lime refried beans
3 Cups cooked brown rice
4 Large potatoes, cubed
Cajun seasoning
1 6oz can black olives, sliced
5 Roma tomatoes, diced
1/2 white onion, diced
1 Bunch cilantro, chopped
Lime juice
Anaheim or Jalapeno peppers, sliced

Mix refried beans and cooked rice together in pot on stove top over low heat. 

 Place potatoes in frying pan with 1/4 cup water and begin frying.  Add Cajun seasoning to taste.  Continue to pan fry potatoes, adding water as necessary to keep them from sticking, until desired tenderness is reached.

In a bowl, mix black olives, tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and lime juice (to taste) to make a fresh salsa.  Set aside.

Assemble burritos on a tortilla by layering bean/rice mixture, potatoes, fresh salsa, and top with sliced peppers.

Notes:  The flavor of these burritos can be adjusted by changing the type/amount of refried beans, seasoning, and peppers used.  You can also make this into a layer dip for chips or make it into a salad by adding shredded lettuce.